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As a designer, I'm not a big fan of the phrase "oh that's so..." as I strive to evolve as an artist and continue to try new ideas.


The sources of my inspiration tends to change from one day to another.

I'm inspired by everyday miracles and seeks to keep a playful approach to creating designs.


A design by me is: riding on unicorns, french-kissing in the rain, the first sip of a cold beer, a great hairday and an allnight dancing with Danny Zuko.




My designphilosophy

Who am i?

I was born and raised in the suburbs of

  Copenhagen, the capitol of Denmark, in a family consisting

of my brother, parents and I.




I got my education at KEA (Copenhagen school of Design and Technolgy). I attended the bachelor as I've always had a passion for jewelry and accessories.

This education was perfect for a girl like me as it's teaching me a great deal about the making of jewelry - by hand, computers and machines. 


     I am passionate about learning new techniques, the story and

                      theories behind it, and adding it to my craft.



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